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Andy on the Issues and Initiatives

Short Term Planning

•Take inventory of county assets to determine upgrade/repair/replacement requirements.

•Evaluate current contracts to determine changes that might

  be made on renewal to benefit the county.

•Pursue available grants and establish a grant management system to ensure compliance


Long Range Planning

•Commission a study on Van Zandt population growth projections and infrastructure needs

•Establish a committee of elected officials and citizens of the county to create a Master Plan

  for the next 30 years

•Research how other counties have planned and successfully achieved results in handling

  growth and the infrastructure to handle that growth



•Evaluate the current technology in use and how to make it more effective for the county

•Use internet to provide citizens with information on county activities and results

•Use Social Media in the same manner to keep the public aware of county activities


Economic Development

•Promote Van Zandt county to manufacturing and distribution businesses

•Promote home development to builders, have a county specialist to guide them

  through the process

•Expand private high speed Broadband internet throughout the county to

  allow work from home for current and future residents


Support of Law Enforcement

•Raise current wage levels of Sheriff Department personnel up to competitive market rates to

  reduce turnover and attract top talent.

•Provide equipment and resources  for deputies to minimize administrative and paperwork

  handling so more time can be spent on patrolling the county or investigating crimes

•Encourage community involvement through Crime Watch and Precinct Watch Patrols



•Use of Zoom for  regular meetings of County Personnel to exchange information and updates

  which will reduce and eliminate travel time and expense

•Monthly recognition of county employees and inform the community.

•Periodic Townhall meetings spread throughout the county to encourage community input.


Preserving the Taxpayer Dollars

•Competitive bids for annual contracts for county supplies and services.

•Accelerate collection of past due fines, court costs, and property taxes

•Review operational, personnel, and energy efficiency of county staff and facilities

Political advertisement paid for by Andy Reese for Van Zandt County Judge, POB 279, Canton, TX 75103, Bob Reese Treasurer
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